Ontological Coaching

Are you ready to whole-ify your life?

Discover the essence of ontological coaching, where we facilitate profound change by nurturing authenticity and wholeness.

Ontological coaching is:

integrative - we venture deep into your core, tapping into hidden wisdom and strengths to fully align all aspects of your essential self

co-creative - together we collaborate in building the life you truly desire, avoiding cookie-cutter solutions and embracing a personalized approach

organic - we use tools and techniques that resonate with your unique being, ensuring the transformation is authentic and sustainable

wholistic - we honor the wisdom of your body, mind, heart, soul, relationships, vocation, and vision, respecting the interconnectedness of your whole self

developmental - we examine your life journey as a whole, helping you grow and evolve across various chapters of your life

transformative - fearlessly dismantling old habits that hinder your progress, we construct new ways of being that guide you toward the life you crave

Ontological coaching is not:

easy - no shortcuts or quick fixes here; we commit to the deep work necessary for lasting transformation

traditional psychotherapy - we do not diagnose or treat of specific mental disorders; instead, we go beyond healing toward growth and empowerment

Find me at phyllis.mathis@gmail.com

Call or text me at 303-525-1331